Page updated
November 12, 2024


Including National Fees and the Council Adventure Fee

The Council Board of Directors, in conjunction with our volunteer Task Force, has approved an $85 local Council Adventure fee beginning January 1, 2025. 

See the links to the side or scroll down for the details on the new Adventure Fee.

How is the Local and National Council Funded?

How are these funded.pdf

Why the Adventure Fee? See its Value To You.

Jeff Kline, Volunteer VP of Marketing, explains, May 23, 2024. Some updates and adjustments have been made, as explained below.

What is the Timeline for Implimenting the Adventure Fee?

Adventure Fee Timeline.pdf

Adventure Fee Information

Updated: 7/17/2024

Adventure Fee One Pager 7.17.2024.pdf

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the Adventure Fee

Is there a calendar of all the activities that are included in the adventure fee?

How and Why is this Adventure Fee happening?

What is the Adult Adventure Fee?

There is no Adventure Fee for adults. 

Adult leaders can participate in the activities listed for Cub Scout Youth and Scouts BSA and Venturing Participants below and attend Leader Position-Specific Training, including BALOO and IOLS, at no charge.

What does a Cub Scout get for their Adventure Fee?

Amount: $85 per Cub Scout

Due: December 2024, with unit renewal

Included with the Cub Scouts Adventure Fee ($115 value):

Dates, times, and details of these activities are on the Adventure Fee Activity calendar.

What does a Scouts BSA and Venturer get for their Adventure Fee?

Amount: $85 per youth member of Scouts BSA or Venturing

Due: December 2024, with unit renewal

Included with the Scouts BSA/Venturing Adventure Fee ($115 value):

Dates, times, and details of these activities are on the Adventure Fee Activity calendar.

How Are Fees Paid?

The Adventure Fee of $85 will be paid for each youth membership appearing on the Unit Renewal in December.  Unit Renewals and the Adventure fees will be due in December each year at the Great Trail Council office.

Why is the Local Council Fee Needed?

Donations from the community, families, and foundations offset the true cost of providing Scouting to youth. Over the last several years, donations from the Family FOS campaigns have decreased to less than 20% of families participating. Proceeds from popcorn sales (which benefit both local Units and the Council) have likewise decreased.


The Council has adopted this Adventure Fee structure as a means of ensuring the sustainability of the Council while at the same time provide an increased level of program to our youth members. In addition, this structure will allow the Council, the Units, and families to more effectively budget resources to provide safe and quality programs at all levels.

Is Financial Assistance Available? 

Yes! Don’t let price deter you; there are ways to offset your fees including financial assistance for those who qualify. Many Units and chartered organizations already have assistance programs in place. Should Unit resources prove insufficient, the Council has financial resources to assist with registration and camp fees. 


Factors considered include but are not limited to:

Use the form at this link or as appended below to apply for assistance. 


Registration / Adventure Fee Assistance form

Posted: 9/24/2024 

Registration Assistance Form 8-26-24.pdf